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Maria Victoria Biezma Moraleda

Maria Victoria Biezma Moraleda

Professor and Head
Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering
University of Cantabria


Prof. Biezma studied Chemical Sciences, with Specialty of Materials Science and Metallurgy and obtained the special prize of PhD at University Complutense of Madrid, Spain, 1991, She is currently professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Head of Research Group of Degradation and Corrosion of Materials, at University of Cantabria, Spain from 1988. The main topics of research are devoted to looking for the relationship between microstructure of different metallic systems and corrosion behavior, stress corrosion cracking of rebar’s in concrete in marine environments, corrosion behavior of gas and petrochemistry pipelines, use the nondestructive testing by ultrasound to detect inner corrosion defects, or study wood properties. She usually visits University of Oporto, Portugal, University College of Horsens, Denmark, and University Technology of Wien, Austria, in Professor Erasmus Program. She has visited as research professor TUWIEN, Austria She has published more than 60 peer-reviewed journals, attended more than 50 international and national congress and she is reviewer of Journal related to Materials Science, Corrosion and Civil Engineering. She participates at Marie Curie Program, Research Night, pointing out special attention to diffusion science to children. She is member of the Staff of Materials Spanish Society and belongs to European Federation of Corrosion European Society of Adhesion, etc. She has published some papers related to High Education Innovation related to the link Chemistry and Materials Science.

Research Interest

Materials Chemistry, material science, metallurgical engineering