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Manuel Gaudon

Manuel Gaudon

University of Bordeaux, France


Manuel Gaudon is an Associate Professor in the University of Bordeaux. He is specialist of inorganic pigments for X-chromic properties (thermochromic, piezochromic and photochromic) with solid-state chemist approach. He has worked on inorganic oxides with various structures as molybdates (AMoO4), hematite (Fe2O3), würtzite (n-doped ZnO), vanadium oxides (V2O3, VO2, V2O5) or aluminate spinels. He has got a wide experience in the management of individual or collaborative projects on infrared-reflector, irreversible thermochromic oxides for temperature detection, shock sensors based on piezochromic transitions of AMoO4 compounds, etc. He has 64 publications in Chem. Matter, Adv. Mater., Inorg. Chem., JSSC, etc., 3 proceedings and 2 book-chapters.

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Abstract : Crystallite size, composition and structural feature correlations and their impact on opto-electronic properties of inorganic oxides

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