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Bruno Bureau

Bruno Bureau

Institut Universitaire de France, France


Bruno Bureau is Professor in Material Sciences and works on the glass formation processes by synthetizing special materials based on selenium and tellurium. His group develops optical devices for mid and far-infrared sensing for medical applications or space optics for example. He is the author of about 150 papers and about 25 invited talks in the field of non-oxide glasses, infrared sensing, optical fibers; material and glass science. He received the Yvan Peychès award from the French Academy of Sciences in 2009. He has co-founded the DIAFIR Company in 2011 and is currently appointed to the “Institut Universitaire de France”.

To present & exhibit your MATERIALS @ our upcoming series PS: Materials Conferences | Materials Chemistry Conferences | Materials Chemistry 2020


Abstract : Tellurium based glasses for far infrared and thermoelectric applications

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