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Beatriz A Pineda-Contreras

Beatriz A Pineda-Contreras

University of Bayreuth, Germany


Beatriz A Pineda-Contreras received as DAAD fellow her MSc degree in Chemistry with specialization in macromolecular chemistry from the Marburg University (2012), with a thesis on water-soluble thermoresponsive polymers with UCST behavior. She obtained her Diploma in Chemistry with focus on electrodeposition of Chitosan/Hydroxyapatite composites onto Ti6Al4V. She is working on her PhD since 2013 at the University of Bayreuth under the guidance of Prof. Seema Agarwal on synthesis and application of “smart” materials as polymeric carriers. Her research interests are “smart” polymers, water-soluble thermoresponsive polymers, their synthesis and possible applications.

To present & exhibit your MATERIALS @ our upcoming series PS: Materials Conferences | Materials Chemistry Conferences | Materials Chemistry 2020


Abstract : Non-ionic UCST-type polymers: Synthesis and analysis of new thermoresponsive properties in aqueous media