Rodrigo de Siqueira Melo
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Title: Assessment of the antifouling effect of exopolysaccharides incorporated into copper oxide-based organic paint
Biography: Rodrigo de Siqueira Melo
The anticorrosive and antifouling performance of copper oxide-based organic coatings incorporated with microbial exopolysaccharides (EPS) was studied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after immersion in water produced by oil wells and in natural seawater. EPS incorporation in the paint did not influence the coating's final anticorrosive behavior. Moreover, no bacterial adhesion occurred during the immersion period in the presence of EPS, indicating biopolymer as a promising biocide for the antifouling paint sector.
Equivalent electrical circuit proposed for copper oxide-based organic coatings in the absence and presence of EPS after 144 days of immersion in water produced by oil wells; Rs: solution resistance, Cc: paint capacitance, Rc: paint resistance, Cdl: bilayer capacitance, Rct: charge transfer resistance, Cox: oxide layer capacitance and Rox: oxide layer resistance.