Sylwester J Rzoska
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Title: Melting and vitrification under pressure
Biography: Sylwester J Rzoska
Compressing mostly increases the melting temperature (dTm/dP>0), although there is a limited number of materials where dTm/dP<0). The latter includes silicon, germanium or some ionic glasses. This contribution discusses the general pattern of parameterization of both cases, with the possible extension in negative pressures domain. It is supported by the distortion-sensitive analysis yielding pressure-invariant parameters. Experimental determining of Tm(P) data is presented, including the challenging case of gallium nitride where the decomposition prior to melting occurs. Subsequently, the generalization for pressure evolutions of the glass temperature or the denaturation temperature is presented. Some new challenging features emerging for pre-melting or pre-glassy behavior under compression are shown.