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Saraswathi Narayanan College, India

Title: Fuel Briquettes from Municipal Solid Waste through Solid State Fermentation


Biography: S.Rajendran


Solid state fermentation (SSF) is process in which micro organisms or fungi are grown on solid substrates at low moisture or water level. SSF offers greatest possibilities when fungi are used. SSF has been successfully applied for large scale production of enzymes, organic acids, secondary metabolites, bio control agents, bio -ethanol etc. Therefore, in this present study attempts were made to apply SSF for converting municipal solid wastes in to fuel briquettes .Pulverized MSW samples were collected from garbage dumping site of Madurai (Indian city) corporation and were disinfected. The preprocessed samples were taken in poly bag fermenters along with Pleurotus fungus spawn for SSFermentation. After 40 days fermentation the substrates were mixed with a known amount of coal or charcoal powder and were moulded into briquettes. Calorific value, bulk density, smoke emission, production cost of briquettes was analyzed. The results revealed that the application of SSF technology is seems to be a No-cost technology for fuel production from MSW and It may be a method to involve common public in MSW disposal or management.