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Azad Kumar

Azad Kumar

Babaaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, India

Title: A photo-catalytic degradation study of eriochrome black-T in water by using titania based nanocomposites


Biography: Azad Kumar


Photocatalysis deals with reactions which are initiated by electronically excited molecules generated by absorption of suitable radiation in the visible or near ultraviolet region. Photocatalytic reactions occurring in the presence of semiconductor and light. Researchers are using photocatalysts for oxidative degradation of various non-biodegradable wastes. Titanium dioxide (TiO2), commonly known as Titania, is one of the most commonly used photocatalysts. Because of its high oxidative power, stability and non-toxicity, it promises a broad range of uses as a photocatalysts. Advantage of using TiO2 as photo-catalyst are: (a) using TiO2, the process occurs under ambient conditions. (b) Using TiO2, the oxidation of the substrate to CO2 is complete in most cases and (c) it is comparatively inexpensive and remains quite stable in contact with different substrate. In the present study, to prepare the nanocomposites of Titania by solution impregnation method. The prepared sample of Titania and copper Titania were subjected to photocatalytic degradation of Eriochrome Black T was done. The degradation of Eriochrome Black T was more prominent in case of 2 hour study, in the presence of Cu-TiO2 than the commercially obtained TiO2. The degradation of Eriochrome Black T is 40% - 50% observed in case of 2 hour study.